Can a small town in Spain be a model for a sustainable energy future? Gernika proves it’s possible.

This Basque town is pioneering a community-driven approach to renewable energy, supported by the European project “ProLight.” By equipping the San Fidel School with solar panels, Gernika harnesses the power of the sun and fosters local collaboration. This initiative reduces the town’s carbon footprint and empowers its residents. The solar panels at the school generate enough clean energy to power the homes of approximately 150 families and small businesses within a 500-meter radius. Discover how energy communities work and how they can contribute to a more sustainable future. Learn about the benefits of renewable energy and the importance of community engagement in advancing energy transition.

25 years counting ‘carbon footprints’: Experts assess the term beloved by oil firms

A quarter century since we learned about ‘carbon footprints’, researchers say it’s time to change the conversation.

For years, many of us have been finding ways to lower our ‘carbon footprint,’ whether by taking trains instead of planes, eating less meat, or upgrading to more energy-efficient lightbulbs.

Read more: 25 years counting ‘carbon footprints’: Experts assess the term beloved by oil firms | Euronews

Energy communities are gaining ground in Spain

The European Union‘s policies support decentralised energy systems, enabling local initiatives such as energy communities. In this area, Spain is leading the way. Our demo site in the basque city …

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Promoting ‘multiple benefits’ in smart city projects

According to European Commission, buildings are responsible for 40% of EU energy consumption, and that nearly 75% of people live in urban areas in the EU (or only 25% in agricultural areas).  

It’s vital, then, that Europe’s cities learn to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change for locals. Everyone has their role to play: from researchers to local government to community leaders.

Affordable Retrofitting of Europes Building Stock – Vienna Shows the Way

The European objective of green and sustainable growth requires a boost in technological advancements but also a rethinking of our lifestyle, our communities and our societies.

The building sector is a key intervention area to achieve climate energy targets, to mitigate social tensions and to stimulate local investments by promoting innovation.

This renovated historic appartment block in Vienna is implementing a system that stores the summer heat for winter use, contributing to a socially sustainable energy transition.

Decarbonising an historic Vienna apartment block

Heating and cooling make up around half of the EU’s energy consumption and decarbonising this sector is a significant challenge to achieving the continent’s climate goals. In Vienna, a renovation project is implementing a system that stores the summer heat for winter use, contributing to a socially sustainable energy transition. 

European Sustainable Energy Week 2023

Social innovation: a driver for integrated building renovation across Europe The policy session on 21.06.2023 focussed on social innovation as a key component in integrated building renovation of social and …

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